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LoadFlex for Peak Events

January 15, 2024

This week’s artic blast in ERCOT validates the value of ENGIE’s LoadFlex, a program that offers $/MW incentives for customers with the ability to curtail their energy usage with day-ahead notifications. To learn more, visit this link.

End-use customers can monetize untapped flexibility with LoadFlex, a load program designed for easy participation. Customers benefit from supply and demand side energy cost reductions with actionable and scalable curtailment strategies. LoadFlex potentially reduces annual peak demand charges. LoadFlex opens new revenue opportunities with easier program features and complementary to existing Demand Response programs. Notice of events are given a day ahead with predictive hours and duration making it more manageable to harness energy flexibility. Getting started is easy with annual any-time enrollment and no additional equipment or monthly data service

Loadflex: The Next Step in Flexible Crutailment