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Energy Consumption In ERCOT Rises; Natural Gas Remains Leading Fuel Source

September 102014

Energy consumption across ERCOT grew year over year in August, as natural gas continued to be the leading fuel source, according to data released by the grid operator. 
The 2014 Demand and Energy by Month report shows net energy usage across ERCOT’s footprint totaled 35.9 million MWh in August, compared with 35.6 million MWh in August 2013, a 0.8 percent increase. 
Natural gas’ share of the fuel mix remained in the lead for August, providing 48.5 percent of power consumed, up from 44.6 percent in July and 47.6 percent in August 2013. Coal-fired facilities generated 33.8 percent of the energy needed in August, down from 36.5 percent in July and 35.3 percent in August 2013. Coal had begun the year as the top fuel source in ERCOT before natural gas – which had led in 2013 – began its move back to the top spot.